Soybeans  08/22/23 8:59:46 AM

Benefits of Professionally Grown and Conditioned Seed

When you plant soybean seed that has been professionally grown, handled and processed, you can bank on the benefits that only rigorous quality control provides. Professionally produced seed delivers consistently higher germination rates, varietal purity and more uniform seed size than bin-run seed.  This results in greater yield potential and more profitability.  Both universities and private companies have well documented a yield advantage with professionally grown and processed soybean seed over bin-run seed. Professionally produced seed is carefully tested and retested under various growing conditions to verify consistent, high germination rates.  Every seed lot is evaluated using several different testing methods, including those required by law, to predict field performance so that you will get more uniform stands and higher yield potential.

Professional seed conditioning separates foreign matter and weed seed from soybean seed and increases the quality of commercial seed lots.  Our seed is handled gently with specialized equipment to protect seed quality and maintain vigor.

You are less likely to have problems with seed-borne disease and weed infestations with commercial seed.

You can bank on the benefits of professionally produced seed.  Every bag comes with the advantages that professionally handled seed offers:  higher yields, purer seed and higher germination rates combined with the latest genetics.   


Important Information For Individuals Saving Seed for Replanting:


All Roundup Ready soybeans are protected under U.S patents.  Saving Roundup Ready soybean seed for planting or replanting is a violation of these patents and is illegal.  Seed piracy also hinders the development of future technologies and their benefits for the soybean industry.   A person who helps a grower save Roundup Ready soybean seed for planting or replanting is also infringing the patents and is contributing to violation of the terms under which the seed was sold.



A Grower Who Asks To Have Roundup Ready® Soybean Seed Cleaned Is Putting The Seed Cleaner And Himself At Risk.


Farmer Notification:  Samples of cleaned or conditioned soybean seed batch may be retained to identify the seed.



Roundup Ready® is a registered trademark of Monsanto Company

Seed Containing The Roundup Ready® Gene Cannot Be Saved For Replanting.



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